Thursday, 3 September 2015

A New Wave of Boldness

Here's the newest happening thing in Team Panthera- we recruited! And instead of adopting the age old method of interviewing and selecting members of the team on the basis of a pen and paper test, we decided to be different; yet again. Here's the reason why- Team Panthera is not about how much you can memorize and learn theoretically, it isn't about how well you can present yourself in front of a bunch of strangers; its about people with vastly differing personalities amalgamating together to learn, grow and bring out the best in each other, all the while spending every last ounce of their determination, passion and strength for accomplishing one shared dream- taking IRIS to Philippines.
And hence we decided to take the juniors under our wing and groom them for a month. Only after careful evaluation of their performances on various parameters will they be given spots in Team Panthera. We feel so proud to announce that over 35 freshers enrolled into our Probation Program and are actively taking part in all training sessions and assignments scheduled for them.

Below is the account of one of the freshers who has already been absorbed into Team Panthera!
Happy reading. :)

"What...? Mechanical Engineering??"
"Are you crazy? Girls don't do Mechanical Engineering!"

Yes, those are some of the many comments we as "FEMALE" Mechanical Engineers have to listen to still, even in 2015 AD. Society always finds a way to demotivate your courage, enthusiasm and the passion to follow your dreams. But then you have people like those in Team Panthera, breaking barriers and putting an end to all stereotypical dilemmas that arise in the minds of young girls like myself.
Once you see Team Panthera in action, the only thing you can think is, how well the name of the team gels with the way they work. Team Panthera, a team of panthers invests all its strength and power into building Iris, the vehicle of their dreams, that will not only be fuel efficient but also work with the utmost precision. Team Panthera is one of those places where you can get yourself groomed not only in all the technical aspects of the project but also, all the other aspects of the project as well; networking, consolidation, operations and so and so forth.
Being a new comer into college life and the vast oceans of opportunities that come with it, Team Panthera brings a sense of stability and hope that the stereotypes are only barriers meant to be broken.
Let's begin this journey of unknowns and reach our own destinies!


The recruits at one of their training sessions!